Navreen Jhawar, BHSc (Honours)
- Program of Study: Master of Health Sciences - Public, Community, and Population Health
- Institution: Ontario Tech University
- Project Title: Exploring the health care utilization of Family Doctors, Psychologists, Social Workers and Psychiartrists in young Canadian Adulst with Mobility Limitations and Depression
- Project Background: Young adults in Canada encounter the intricate dynamics of disability and depression. Disabilities, affecting a significant portion of those aged 18 and above, manifest in various forms, including mobility limitations, sensory challenges, and mental health conditions. Among Canadians aged 15 to 24, a substantial number report having a disability. Depression is a prevalent concern for numerous young adults, with an elevated prevalence observed in individuals with disabilities. While it is hypothesized that young adults with mobility limitations and depression experience challenges in accessing mental health care, there is no population-based evidence exploring this population’s health care utilization and associated characteristics.
- Project Objectives: Determine the annual prevalence of healthcare utilization from family doctors, psychologists, and psychiatrists in Canadians with mobility limitations aged 18-25 years who reported depression in the 2021 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS).
- Identify the personal, health-related and environmental factors associated with the utilization of family doctors, psychologists, and psychiatrists in Canadians with mobility limitations aged 18-25 years who reported depression in the 2021 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS).
- Pierre Côté DC, PhD (Ontario Tech University)
Committee Members:
- Heather Shearer, BA (Hons), DC, MSc, FCCS(C), PhD (Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College)
- Dan Wang, BMEd, MSc, PhD (Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College)