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Publications: By Journal

Accid Anal Prev  |  Am J Phys Med Rehabil  |  Ann Intern Med  |  Arch Phys Med Rehabil  |  Behav Sleep Med  |  BMC Complement Altern Med  |  BMC Complement Med Ther | BMC GeriatrBMC Health Serv Res  |  BMC Med Res Methodol  |   BMC Musculoskelet Disord  |  BMC Pediatr  |  BMC Public Health  |   BMJ Open  |  Cancer Nurs  |  Chiropr Man Therap  |  Clin Case Rep  |  Clin J Pain  |  Clin J Sport Med  |  Clocks & Sleep  |  Complement Ther Med  |  Curr Med Res Opin  |  Dev Med Child Neurol  |   Disabil Rehabil  |   Dose Response  |  Emot Space Society  |   Eur J Pain  |   Eur J Phys Rehabil Med  |  Eur J Physiother  |   Eur Spine J  |  Global Spine J  |  Health Expect  |  Healthcare (Basel)  |  Implement Sci  |  Int J Ment Health Addict  |  J Am Coll Health  |  J Appl Res Intellect Disabil  |  J Bone Joint Surg Am  |  J Can Chiropr Assoc  |  J Chiropr Educ  |  J Chiropr Med J Clin Epidemiol  |  J Gen Intern Med  |  J Insur Med  |  J Manipulative Physiol Ther  |  J Occup Environ Med  |  J Occup Rehabil  |  J Orthop Sports Phys Ther J Pain |  J Physiother  |  J Rehabil Med  |   J Strength Cond Res  |  J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis JAMA Netword OpenMan Ther  |  Mil Med  |  Musculoskelet Sci Pract  |  Neurosurg Focus  |  Neurosurgery  |  Occup Environ Med  |  Open Orthop J  |  Pain  | Plos One | Phys Ther  |   Psychiatry Res Commun |  Scand J Public Health |  Sci RepSomatechnics  |  Spine  |   Spine J  |  Syst Rev  |   Trials  |  Work

Accident; Analysis and Prevention
  • Cancelliere C, Boyle E, Côté P, Holm LW, Salmi LR, Cassidy JD. Development and validation of a model predicting post-traumatic headache six months after a motor vehicle collision in adults. Accid Anal Prev. 2020;142:105580. 
  • Cancelliere C, Boyle E, Côté P, Holm LW, Salmi LR, Cassidy JD. Predicting nonrecovery in adults with incident traffic injuries including post-traumatic headache. Accid Anal Prev. 2021;159:106265.

American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 

  • Nicol R, Yu H, Selb M, Prodinger B, Hartvigsen J, Côté P. How does the measurement of disability in low back pain map unto the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)? A scoping review of the manual medicine literature. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2021;100(4):367-395.
  • Wang D, Taylor-Vaisey A, Negrini S, Côté P. Criteria to evaluate the quality of outcome reporting in RCTs of rehabilitation interventions. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2021;100(1):17-28. 
Annals of Internal Medicine 

Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 

  • Ammendolia C, Côté P, Southerst D, Schneider M, Budgell B, Bombardier C, Hawker G, Rampersaud YR. Comprehensive nonsurgical treatment versus self-directed care to improve walking ability in lumbar spinal stenosis: a randomized trial. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2018;99(12):2408-19.e2.
  • Carroll LJ, Cassidy JD, Cancelliere C, Côté P, Hincapié CA, Kristman VL, Holm LW, Borg J, Nygren-de Boussard C, Hartvigsen J. Systematic review of the prognosis after mild traumatic brain injury in adults: cognitive, psychiatric, and mortality outcomes: results of the International Collaboration on Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Prognosis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014;95(3 Suppl):S152-73.
  • Corso M, Cancelliere C, Mior S, Salmi LR, Cedraschi C, Nordin M, Taylor-Vaisey A, Côté P. Are non-pharmacological interventions delivered through synchronous telehealth as effective and safe as in-person interventions for the management of patients with non-acute musculoskeletal conditions? A systematic rapid review. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2022;103(1):145-154.ell.
  • Kristman VL, Côté P, Yang X, Hogg-Johnson S, Vidmar M, Rezai M. Health care utilization of workers' compensation claimants associated with mild traumatic brain injury: A historical population-based cohort study of workers injured in 1997-1998. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014;95(3 Suppl):S295-302.
  • Skillgate E, Côté P, Cassidy JD, Boyle E, Carroll L, Holm LW. Effect of early intensive care on recovery from whiplash-associated disorders: Results of a population-based cohort study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2016;97(5):739-46.
  • Tang K, Beaton DE, Hogg-Johnson S, Côté P, Loisel P, Amick BC, 3rd. Does the upper-limb work instability scale predict transitions out of work among injured workers? Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2015;96(9):1658-65.
  • Trippolini MA, Dijkstra PU, Côté P, Scholz- Odermatt SM, Geertzen JH, Reneman MF. Can functional capacity tests predict future work capacity in patients with whiplash- associated disorders? Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014;95(12):2357-66.

Behavioral Sleep Medicine 

  • Papaconstantinou EA, Hodnett E, Stremler R. A behavioral-educational intervention to promote pediatric sleep during hospitalization: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Behav Sleep Med. 2018;16(4):356-70.

BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine  

BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies

  • Yu H, Shearer H, Taylor-Vaisey A, Mior S, Verville L, Connell G, Côté P. Methodological flaws on "manual therapy for the pediatric population: A systematic review" by Prevost et al. (2019). BMC Complement Med Ther. 2021;21(1):4.

BMC Geriatrics

  • de Luca K, Hogg-Johnson S, Funabashi M, Mior S, French SD. The profile of older adults seeking chiropractic care: A secondary analysis. BMC Geriatr. 2021 Apr 23;21(1):271.

BMC Health Services Research

  • Verville L, Cancelliere C, Connell G, Lee J, Munce S, Mior S, Kay R, Côté P. Exploring clinicians' experiences and perceptions of end-user roles in knowledge development: A qualitative study. BMC Health Serv Res. 2021 Sep 6;21(1):926.

BMC Medical Research Methodology

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders  

  • Eilayyan O, Thomas A, Hallé MC, Ahmed S, Tibbles AC, Jacobs C, Mior S, Davis C, Evans R, Schneider MJ, Alzoubi F, Barnsley J, Long CR, Bussières A. Promoting the use of self-management in novice chiropractors treating individuals with spine pain: The design of a theory-based knowledge translation intervention. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2018;19(1):328.
  • Jahre H, Grotle M, Smedbråten K, Richardsen KR, Côté P, Steingrímsdóttir ÓA, Nielsen C, Storheim K, Småstuen M, Stensland SØ, Øiestad BE. Low social acceptance among peers increases the risk of persistent musculoskeletal pain in adolescents. Prospective data from the Fit Futures Study. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2022 Jan 13;23(1):44.
  • Sorondo D, Delpierre C, Côté P, Salmi LR, Cedraschi C, Taylor-Vaisey A, Lemeunier N. Determinants of clinical practice guidelines' utilization for the management of musculoskeletal disorders: A scoping review. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2021 Jun 1;22(1):507.

BMC Pediatrics

  • Shearer HM, Côté P, Hogg-Johnson S, McKeever P, Fehlings DL. Identifying pain trajectories in children and youth with cerebral palsy: A pilot study. BMC Pediatr. 2021;21(1):428.

BMC Public Health

  • Ammendolia C, Côté P, Cancelliere C, Cassidy JD, Hartvigsen J, Boyle E, Soklaridis S, Stern P, Amick B, 3rd. Healthy and productive workers: using intervention mapping to design a workplace health promotion and wellness program to improve presenteeism. BMC Public Health. 2016;16(1):1190.
BMJ Open 

  • Corso M, DeSouza A, Brunton G, Yu H, Cancelliere C, Mior S, Taylor-Vaisey A, MacLeod-Beaver K, Côté P. Integrating Indigenous healing practices within collaborative care models in primary healthcare in Canada: a rapid scoping review. 
  • Ammendolia C, Hofkirchner C, Plener J, Bussières A, Schneider MJ, Young JJ, Furlan AD, Stuber K, Ahmed A, Cancelliere C, Adeboyejo A, Ornelas J. Non-operative treatment for lumbar spinal stenosis with neurogenic claudication: an updated systematic review. BMJ Open. 2022 Jan 19;12(1):e057724.    
  • Cancelliere C, Wong JJ, Yu H, Mior S, Brunton G, Shearer HM, Rudoler D, Hestbæk L, Papaconstantinou E, Cedraschi C, Swain M, Connell G, Verville L, Taylor-Vaisey A, Côté P. Rehabilitative management of back pain in children: Protocol for a mixed studies systematic review. BMJ Open. 2020;10(10):e038534.
  • Cancelliere C, Wong JJ, Yu H, Nordin M, Mior S, Pereira P, Brunton G, Shearer H, Connell G, Verville L, Taylor-Vaisey A, Côté P. Postsurgical rehabilitation for adults with low back pain with or without radiculopathy who were treated surgically: Protocol for a mixed studies systematic review. BMJ Open. 2020;10(3):e036817.
  • Côté P, Boyle E, Shearer HM, Stupar M, Jacobs C, Cassidy JD, Carette S, van der Velde G, Wong JJ, Hogg-Johnson S, Ammendolia C, Hayden JA, van Tulder M, Frank JW. Is a government-regulated rehabilitation guideline more effective than general practitioner education or preferred-provider rehabilitation in promoting recovery from acute whiplash-associated disorders? A pragmatic randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open. 2019;9(1):e021283.
  • McGee S, Sipos T, Allin T, Chen C, Greco A, Bobos P, MacDermid J. Systematic review of the measurement properties of performance-based functional tests in patients with neck disorders. BMJ Open. 2019;9(11):e031242.
  • Mior S, Wong J, Sutton D, Beliveau PJH, Bussières A, Hogg-Johnson S, French S. Understanding patient profiles and characteristics of current chiropractic practice: a cross- sectional Ontario Chiropractic Observation and Analysis STudy (O-COAST). BMJ Open. 2019;9(8):e029851.
  • Moser N, Mior S, Noseworthy M, Côté P, Wells G, Behr M, Triano J. Effect of cervical manipulation on vertebral artery and cerebral haemodynamics in patients with chronic neck pain: A crossover randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open. 2019;9(5):e025219.
  • Wong JJ, Côté P, Tricco AC, Rosella LC. Examining the effects of low back pain and mental health symptoms on healthcare utilisation and costs: A protocol for a population-based cohort study. BMJ Open. 2019;9(9):e031749.

Cancer Nursing

  • Zupanec S, Jones H, McRae L, Papaconstantinou E, Weston J, Stremler R. A sleep hygiene and relaxation intervention for children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Cancer Nurs. 2017;40(6):488-96.

Chiropractic & Manual Therapies

  • Ammendolia C, Côté P, Rampersaud YR, Southerst D, Budgell B, Bombardier C, Hawker G. The boot camp program for lumbar spinal stenosis: A protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Chiropr Man Therap. 2016;24:25.
  • Ammendolia C, Côté P, Rampersaud YR, Southerst D, Schneider M, Ahmed A, Bombardier C, Hawker G, Budgell B. Effect of active TENS versus de-tuned TENS on walking capacity in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis: A randomized controlled trial. Chiropr Man Therap. 2019;27:24.
  • Axén I, Bergström C, Bronson M, Côté P, Nim CG, Goncalves G, Hébert JJ, Hertel JA, Innes S, Larsen OK, Meyer AL, O'Neill S, Perle SM, Weber KA, 2nd, Young KJ, Leboeuf-Yde C. Misinformation, chiropractic, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Chiropr Man Therap. 2020;28(1):65.
  • Beliveau PJH, Wong JJ, Sutton DA, Simon NB, Bussières AE, Mior SA, French SD. The chiropractic profession: A scoping review of utilization rates, reasons for seeking care, patient profiles, and care provided. Chiropr Man Therap. 2017;25:35.
  • Corso M, Cancelliere C, Mior S, Kumar V, Smith A, Côté P. The clinical utility of routine spinal radiographs by chiropractors: a rapid review of the literature. Chiropr Man Therap. 2020;28(1):33.
  • Corso M, Cancelliere C, Mior S, Taylor-Vaisey A, Côté P. The safety of spinal manipulative therapy in children under 10 years: a rapid review. Chiropr Man Therap. 2020;28(1):12.
  • Corso M, Mior SA, Batley S, Tuff T, da Silva- Oolup S, Howitt S, Srbely J. The effects of spinal manipulation on performance-related outcomes in healthy asymptomatic adult population: A systematic review of best evidence. Chiropr Man Therap. 2019;27:25.
  • Côté P, Hartvigsen J, Axén I, Leboeuf-Yde C, Corso M, Shearer H, Wong J, Marchand AA, Cassidy JD, French S, Kawchuk GN, Mior S, Poulsen E, Srbely J, Ammendolia C, Blanchette MA, Busse JW, Bussières A, Cancelliere C, Christensen HW, De Carvalho D, De Luca K, Du Rose A, Eklund A, Engel R, Goncalves G, Hebert J, Hincapié CA, Hondras M, Kimpton A, Lauridsen HH, Innes S, Meyer AL, Newell D, O'Neill S, Pagé I, Passmore S, Perle SM, Quon J, Rezai M, Stupar M, Swain M, Vitello A, Weber K, Young KJ, Yu H. The global summit on the efficacy and effectiveness of spinal manipulative therapy for the prevention and treatment of non-musculoskeletal disorders: A systematic review of the literature. Chiropr Man Therap. 2021;29(1):8.
  • Côté P, Hartvigsen J, Axén I, Leboeuf-Yde C, Corso M, Shearer H, Wong J, Marchand AA, Cassidy JD, French S, Kawchuk GN, Mior S, Poulsen E, Srbely J, Ammendolia C, Blanchette MA, Busse JW, Bussières A, Cancelliere C, Christensen HW, De Carvalho D, De Luca K, Rose AD, Eklund A, Engel R, Goncalves G, Hebert J, Hincapié CA, Hondras M, Kimpton A, Lauridsen HH, Innes S, Meyer AL, Newell D, O'Neill S, Pagé I, Passmore S, Perle SM, Quon J, Rezai M, Stupar M, Swain M, Vitiello A, Weber K, Young KJ, Yu H. Response to Lawrence DJ: the global summit on the efficacy and effectiveness of spinal manipulative therapy for the prevention and treatment of non-musculoskeletal disorders: A systematic review of the literature [letter]. Chiropr Man Therap. 2021 Jul 20;29(1):26.
  • Côté P, Bussières A, Cassidy JD, Hartvigsen J, Kawchuk GN, Leboeuf-Yde C, Mior S, Schneider M. More published full-time researchers, early career researchers, clinician-researchers and graduate students unite to call for actions against the pseudoscientific claim that chiropractic care boosts immunity. Chiropr Man Therap. 2020;28(1):48.
  • Côté P, Bussières A, Cassidy JD, Hartvigsen J, Kawchuk GN, Leboeuf-Yde C, Mior S, Schneider M. A united statement of the global chiropractic research community against the pseudoscientific claim that chiropractic care boosts immunity. Chiropr Man Therap. 2020;28(1):21.
  • Côté P, Sutton D, Nicol R, Brown R, Mior S. The development of a global chiropractic rehabilitation competency framework by the World Federation of Chiropractic. Chiropr Man Therap. 2019;27:29.
  • da Silva-Oolup S, Nordin M, Stern P, Outerbridge G, Côté P. A case-series of patients with musculoskeletal conditions in an underserved community in Moca, Dominican Republic. Chiropr Man Therap. 2020;28(1):3.
  • Dhopte P, French SD, Quon JA, Owens H, Bussières A. Guideline implementation in the Canadian chiropractic setting: A pilot cluster randomized controlled trial and parallel study. Chiropr Man Therap. 2019;27:31.
  • Eilayyan O, Thomas A, Hallé MC, Ahmed S, Tibbles AC, Jacobs C, Mior S, Davis C, Evans R, Schneider MJ, Owens H, Zoubi FA, Barnsley J, Long CR, Bussières A. Promoting the use of self-management in patients with spine pain managed by chiropractors and chiropractic interns: Barriers and design of a theory-based knowledge translation intervention. Chiropr Man Therap. 2019;27:44.
  • Funabashi M, Pohlman KA, Goldsworthy R, Lee A, Tibbles A, Mior S, Kawchuk G. Beliefs, perceptions and practices of chiropractors and patients about mitigation strategies for benign adverse events after spinal manipulation therapy. Chiropr Man Therap. 2020;28(1):46.
  • Hammerich K, Stuber K, Hogg-Johnson S, Abbas A, Harris M, Lauridsen HH, Lemeunier N, Maiers M, McCarthy P, Morales V, Myburgh C, Petrini V, Pohlman K, Mior S. Assessing attitudes of patient-centred care among students in international chiropractic educational programs: a cross-sectional survey. Chiropr Man Therap. 2019;27:46.
  • Howarth SJ, Abbas A, Hogg-Johnson S, Mior S. Reported 1-year prevalence of occupational musculoskeletal disorders in Ontario chiropractors. Chiropr Man Therap. 2020;28(1):55.
  • Mior S, Gamble B, Barnsley J, Côté P, Côté E. Changes in primary care physician's management of low back pain in a model of interprofessional collaborative care: An uncontrolled before-after study. Chiropr Man Therap. 2013;21(1):6.
  • Mior S, Sutton D, Cancelliere C, French S, Taylor-Vaisey A, Côté P. Chiropractic services in the active duty military setting: A scoping review. Chiropr Man Therap. 2019;27:45.
  • Nolet PS, Yu H, Côté P, Meyer AL, Kristman VL, Sutton D, Murnaghan K, Lemeunier N. Reliability and validity of manual palpation for the assessment of patients with low back pain: A systematic and critical review. Chiropr Man Therap. 2021 Aug 26;29(1):33.
  • Papaconstantinou E, Cancelliere C, Verville L, Wong JJ, Connell G, Yu H, Shearer H, Timperley C, Chung C, Porter BJ, Myrtos D, Barrigar M, Taylor-Vaisey A. Effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions on sleep characteristics among adults with musculoskeletal pain and a comorbid sleep problem: A systematic review. Chiropr Man Therap. 2021;29(1):23.
  • Pohlman KA, Salsbury SA, Funabashi M, Holmes MM, Mior S. Patient safety in chiropractic teaching programs: A mixed methods study. Chiropr Man Therap. 2020;28(1):50.
  • Southerst D, Yu H, Randhawa K, Côté P, D'Angelo K, Shearer HM, Wong JJ, Sutton D, Varatharajan S, Goldgrub R, Dion S, Cox J, Menta R, Brown CK, Stern PJ, Stupar M, Carroll LJ, Taylor-Vaisey A. The effectiveness of manual therapy for the management of musculoskeletal disorders of the upper and lower extremities: A systematic review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration Chiropr Man Therap. 2015;23:30.
  • Stochkendahl MJ, Rezai M, Torres P, Sutton D, Tuchin P, Brown R, Côté P. The chiropractic workforce: A global review. Chiropr Man Therap. 2019;27:36.
  • Stuber KJ, Langweiler M, Mior S, McCarthy PW. Assessing patient-centered care in patients with chronic health conditions attending chiropractic practice: Protocol for a mixed-methods study. Chiropr Man Therap. 2016;24:15.
  • Sutton D, Gross DP, Côté P, Randhawa K, Yu H, Wong JJ, Stern P, Varatharajan S, Southerst D, Shearer HM, Stupar M, Goldgrub R, van der Velde G, Nordin M, Carroll LJ, Taylor-Vaisey A. Multimodal care for the management of musculoskeletal disorders of the elbow, forearm, wrist and hand: A systematic review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. Chiropr Man Therap. 2016;24:8.
  • To D, Breen A, Breen A, Mior S, Howarth SJ. Investigator analytic repeatability of two new intervertebral motion biomarkers for chronic, nonspecific low back pain in a cohort of healthy controls. Chiropr Man Therap. 2020;28(1):62.
  • To D, Rezai M, Murnaghan K, Cancelliere C. Risk factors for low back pain in active military personnel: A systematic review. Chiropr Man Therap. 2021 Dec 30;29(1):52.
  • Wong JJ, Hogg-Johnson S, Bussières AE, French SD, Mior SA. The association between chiropractors' view of practice and patient encounter-level characteristics in Ontario, Canada: A cross-sectional study. Chiropr Man Therap. 2021;29(1):41.

Clinical Case Reports

  • Connell G, Verville L, Cancelliere C, Wong JJ, Yu H, Shearer HM. Brief action planning targeting prognostic factors for an adult with persistent low back pain without radiculopathy: A case report. Clin Case Rep. 2020:1-5.

Clinical Journal of Pain

  • Carnide N, Hogg- Johnson S, Côté P, Irvin E, Van Eerd D, Koehoorn M, Furlan AD. Early prescription opioid use for musculoskeletal disorders and work outcomes: A systematic review of the literature. Clin J Pain. 2017;33(7):647-58.
  • Carnide N, Hogg-Johnson S, Côté P, Irvin E, Van Eerd D, Koehoorn M, Furlan AD. Response: Prescription opioid use and the risk of disability. Clin J Pain. 2018;34(2):190-1.
  • Carroll LJ, Ferrari R, Cassidy JD, Côté P. Coping and recovery in whiplash- associated disorders: early use of passive coping strategies is associated with slower recovery of neck pain and pain-related disability. Clin J Pain. 2014;30(1):1-8.
  • Chen K, Andersen T, Carroll L, Connelly L, Côté P, Curatolo M, Elliott J, Grant G, Jull G, Kasch H, MacDermid J, Malmström EM, Maujean A, McLean SA, Nielsen M, Rebbeck T, Söderlund A, Sterling J, Treleaven J, Walton DM, Westergren H, Sterling M. Recommendations For core outcome domain set for whiplash- associated disorders (CATWAD). Clin J Pain. 2019;35(9):727-36.
  • Dion S, Wong JJ, Côté P, Yu H, Sutton D, Randhawa K, Southerst D, Varatharajan S, Stern PJ, Nordin M, Chung C, D'Angelo K, Dresser J, Brown C, Menta R, Ammendolia C, Shearer HM, Stupar M, Ameis A, Mior S, Carroll LJ, Jacobs C, Taylor- Vaisey A. Are passive physical modalities effective for the management of common soft tissue injuries of the elbow?: A systematic review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. Clin J Pain. 2017;33(1):71-86.
  • Palmlöf L, Côté P, Holm LW, Carroll LJ, Cassidy JD, Skillgate E. Are prevalent self-reported cardiovascular disorders associated with delayed recovery from whiplash-associated disorders: A population-based cohort study. Clin J Pain. 2015;31(3):247-53.
  • Paré C, Thibault P, Côté P, Pimentel SD, Shen S, Yakobov E, Sullivan MJL. The relationship between level of catastrophizing and mental health comorbidity in individuals with whiplash injuries. Clin J Pain. 2019;35(11):880-6.
  • Pico-Espinosa OJ, Côté P, Hogg-Johnson S, Jensen I, Axén I, Holm LW, Skillgate E. Trajectories of pain intensity over 1 year in adults with disabling subacute or chronic neck pain. Clin J Pain. 2019;35(8):678-85.
  • Randhawa K, Bohay R, Côté P, van der Velde G, Sutton D, Wong JJ, Yu H, Southerst D, Varatharajan S, Mior S, Stupar M, Shearer HM, Jacobs C, Taylor-Vaisey A. The effectiveness of noninvasive interventions for temporomandibular disorders: A systematic review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. Clin J Pain. 2016;32(3):260-78.

Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 

  • Jacobs CL, Cassidy JD, Côté P, Boyle E, Ramel E, Ammendolia C, Hartvigsen J, Schwartz I. Musculoskeletal injury in professional dancers: prevalence and associated factors: An international cross- sectional study. Clin J Sport Med. 2017;27(2):153-60.
Clocks & Sleep

  • Papaconstantinou E, Quick V, Vogel E, Coffey S, Miller A, Zitzelsberger H. Exploring relationships of sleep duration with eating and physical activity behaviors among Canadian university students. Clocks & Sleep. 2020;2(2):194- 207.
Complementary Therapies in Medicine

  • Stuber KJ, Langweiler M, Mior S, McCarthy PW. A pilot study assessing patient-centred care in patients with chronic health conditions attending chiropractic practice. Complement Ther Med. 2018;39:1-7.

Current Medical Research and Opinion

  • Zorzela L, Mior S, Boon H, Gross A, Yager J, Carter R, Vohra S. Tool to assess causality of direct and indirect adverse events associated with therapeutic interventions. Curr Med Res Opin. 2018;34(3):407 -14.

Dose Response

  • Côté P, Mior S, Corso M, Cancelliere C, Kumar V, Smith A. Ad hominem criticisms: An old trick to discredit inconvenient research. A response to Oakley et al. and the International Chiropractors Association Rapid Response Research Review Subcommittee [letter]. Dose Response. 2021 Nov 19;19(4):15593258211058339.  

Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology

  • Negrini S, Côté P, Kiekens C. Methodological quality of systematic reviews on interventions for children with cerebral palsy: The evidence pyramid paradox. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2021;63(11):1244-1245.
Disability and Rehabilitation

  • Boyle E, Cassidy JD, Côté P, Carroll LJ. The relationship between insurance claim closure and recovery after traffic injuries for individuals with whiplash associated disorders. Disabil Rehabil. 2017;39(9):889-96.
  • Selb M, Nicol R, Hartvigsen J, Segerer W, Côté P; ICF Manual Medicine Expert Group. An ICF-based assessment schedule to facilitate the assessment and reporting of functioning in manual medicine - low back pain as a case in point. Disabil Rehabil. 2021 Dec 17:1-10.
  • Wong JJ, Côté P, Shearer HM, Carroll LJ, Yu H, Varatharajan S, Southerst D, van der Velde G, Jacobs C, Taylor-Vaisey A. Clinical practice guidelines for the management of conditions related to traffic collisions: A systematic review by the [Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management] OPTIMa Collaboration. Disabil Rehabil. 2015;37(6):471-89.

Emotion, Space and Society

European Journal of Pain

  • Côté P, Yu H, Shearer HM, Randhawa K, Wong JJ, Mior S, Ameis A, Carroll LJ, Nordin M, Varatharajan S, Sutton D, Southerst D, Jacobs C, Stupar M, Taylor-Vaisey A, Gross DP, Brison RJ, Paulden M, Ammendolia C, Cassidy JD, Loisel P, Marshall S, Bohay RN, Stapleton J, Lacerte M. Non-pharmacological management of persistent headaches associated with neck pain: A clinical practice guideline from the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. Eur J Pain. 2019;23(6):1051-70.
  • Wong JJ, Côté P, Sutton DA, Randhawa K, Yu H, Varatharajan S, Goldgrub R, Nordin M, Gross DP, Shearer HM, Carroll LJ, Stern PJ, Ameis A, Southerst D, Mior S, Stupar M, Varatharajan T, Taylor-Vaisey A. Clinical practice guidelines for the noninvasive management of low back pain: A systematic review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. Eur J Pain. 2017;21(2):201-16.
  • Yu H, Côté P, Wong JJ, Shearer HM, Mior S, Cancelliere C, Randhawa K, Ameis A, Carroll LJ, Nordin M, Varatharajan S, Sutton D, Southerst D, Jacobs C, Stupar M, Taylor-Vaisey A, Gross DP, Brison RJ, Paulden M, Ammendolia C, Cassidy JD, Marshall S, Bohay RN, Stapleton J, Lacerte M. Noninvasive management of soft tissue disorders of the shoulder: A clinical practice guideline from the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. Eur J Pain. 2021 Sep;25(8):1644-1667.

European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 

  • Andrenelli E, Negrini F, de Sire A, Arienti C, Patrini M, Negrini S, Ceravolo MG. Systematic rapid living review on rehabilitation needs due to COVID-19: Update to May 31st, 2020. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2020;56(4):508-14.
  • Andrenelli E, Negrini F, De Sire A, Patrini M, Lazzarini SG, Ceravolo MG, International Multiprofessional Steering Committee of Cochrane Rehabilitation REH-COVER action. Rehabilitation and COVID-19: A rapid living systematic review 2020 by Cochrane Rehabilitation Field. Update as of September 30th, 2020. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2020;56(6):846-52.
  • Ceravolo MG, Andrenelli E, Arienti C, Côté P, A DES, Iannicelli V, Lazzarini SG, Negrini F, Patrini M, Negrini S. Rehabilitation and COVID-19: Rapid living systematic review by Cochrane Rehabilitation Field - third edition. Update as of June 30th, 2021. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2021;57(5):850-7.
  • Ceravolo MG, Arienti C, de Sire A, Andrenelli E, Negrini F, Lazzarini SG, Patrini M, Negrini S, The International Multiprofessional Steering Committee. Rehabilitation and COVID-19: The Cochrane Rehabilitation 2020 rapid living systematic review. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2020;56(5):642-51.
  • De Sire A, Andrenelli E, Negrini F, Lazzarini SG, Patrini M, Ceravolo MG, International Multiprofessional Steering Committee of Cochrane Rehabilitation REH-COVER action. Rehabilitation and COVID-19: The Cochrane Rehabilitation 2020 rapid living systematic review. Update as of August 31st, 2020. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2020;56(6):839-45.
  • De Sire A, Andrenelli E, Negrini F, Patrini M, Lazzarini SG, Ceravolo MG. Rehabilitation and COVID-19: a rapid living systematic review by Cochrane Rehabilitation Field updated as of December 31st, 2020 and synthesis of the scientific literature of 2020. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2021;57(2):181-188.
  • de Sire A, Andrenelli E, Negrini F, Iannicelli V, Lazzarini SG, Patrini M, Ceravolo MG; International Multiprofessional Steering Committee of Cochrane Rehabilitation REH-COVER action. Rehabilitation and COVID-19: update of the rapid living systematic review by Cochrane Rehabilitation Field as of August 31st, 2021. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2021 Dec;57(6):1045-1048.
  • Negrini F, de Sire A, Andrenelli E, Lazzarini SG, Patrini M, Ceravolo MG, International Multiprofessional Steering Committee of Cochrane Rehabilitation REH-COVER action. Rehabilitation and COVID-19: Update of the rapid living systematic review by Cochrane Rehabilitation Field as of April 30th, 2021. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2021;57(4):663-667.
  • Negrini F, De Sire A, Andrenelli E, Lazzarini SG, Patrini M, Ceravolo MG. Rehabilitation and COVID-19: A rapid living systematic review 2020 by Cochrane Rehabilitation Field. Update as of October 31st, 2020. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2021;57(1):166-170.
  • Negrini F, de Sire A, Andrenelli E, Lazzarini SG, Patrini M, Ceravolo MG. Rehabilitation and COVID-19: The Cochrane Rehabilitation 2020 rapid living systematic review. Update as of July 31st, 2020. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2020;56 (5):652-7.

European Journal of Physiotherapy

  • Shearer HM, Carroll LJ, Cote P, Randhawa K, Southerst D, Varatharajan S, Wong JJ, Yu H, Sutton D, van der Velde G, Nordin M, Gross DP, Mior S, Stupar M, Jacobs C, Taylor-Vaisey A. The course and factors associated with recovery of whiplash-associated disorders: An updated systematic review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) collaboration. Eur J Physiother. 2021;23(5):279-294.
European Spine Journal 

  • Acaroğlu E, Mmopelwa T, Yüksel S, Ayhan S, Nordin M, Randhawa K, Haldeman S. The Global Spine Care Initiative: A consensus process to develop and validate a stratification scheme for surgical care of spinal disorders as a guide for improved resource utilization in low- and middle-income communities. Eur Spine J. 2018;27(Suppl 6):879-88.
  • Acaroğlu E, Nordin M, Randhawa K, Chou R, Côté P, Mmopelwa T, Haldeman S. The Global Spine Care Initiative: A summary of guidelines on invasive interventions for the management of persistent and disabling spinal pain in low- and middle-income communities. Eur Spine J. 2018;27(Suppl 6):870-8.
  • AlEissa SI, Tamai K, Konbaz F, Alturkistany A, Blattert TR, Chhabra HS, Costanzo G, Dohring EJ, Kandziora F, Kothe R, Misaggi B, Muehlbauer EJ, Pereira P, Rajasekaran S, Sullivan WJ, Truumees E, Alqahtani Y, Alsobayel HI, Franke J, Teli MGA, Wang JC, Al-Hazzaa HM, Alosaimi MN, Berven S, Brayda-Bruno M, Briggs AM, Busari JO, Caserta AV, Côté P, Crostelli M, Fehlings MG, Gunzburg R, Haddadin S, Ihm J, Hilibrand AS, Luca A, Osvaldo M, Pigott T, Rothenfluh DA, Ruosi C, Salmi LR, Shetty AP, Singh K, Vaccaro AR, Wong DA, Zileli M, Nordin M. SPINE20 A global advocacy group promoting evidence-based spine care of value. Eur Spine J. 2021 Aug;30(8):2091-2101.
  • Ameis A, Randhawa K, Yu H, Côté P, Haldeman S, Chou R, Hurwitz EL, Nordin M, Wong JJ, Shearer HM, Taylor-Vaisey A. The Global Spine Care Initiative: A review of reviews and recommendations for the non-invasive management of acute osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture pain in low- and middle-income communities. Eur Spine J. 2018;27(Suppl 6):861-9.
  • Cedraschi C, Nordin M, Haldeman S, Randhawa K, Kopansky-Giles D, Johnson CD, Chou R, Hurwitz EL, Côté P. The Global Spine Care Initiative: A narrative review of psychological and social issues in back pain in low- and middle-income communities. Eur Spine J. 2018;27(Suppl 6):828-37.
  • Chou R, Côté P, Randhawa K, Torres P, Yu H, Nordin M, Hurwitz EL, Haldeman S, Cedraschi C. The Global Spine Care Initiative: Applying evidence-based guidelines on the non-invasive management of back and neck pain to low- and middle-income communities. Eur Spine J. 2018;27(Suppl 6):851-60.
  • Christine C, Marco C, Louis-Rachid S, Pierre C. Clinicians' views about the experience of disability due to low back pain. Results from a focus group study. Eur Spine J. 2020;29(8):1953-8.
  • Côté P, Wong JJ, Sutton D, Shearer HM, Mior S, Randhawa K, Ameis A, Carroll LJ, Nordin M, Yu H, Lindsay GM, Southerst D, Varatharajan S, Jacobs C, Stupar M, Taylor-Vaisey A, van der Velde G, Gross DP, Brison RJ, Paulden M, Ammendolia C, David Cassidy J, Loisel P, Marshall S, Bohay RN, Stapleton J, Lacerte M, Krahn M, Salhany R. Management of neck pain and associated disorders: A clinical practice guideline from the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. Eur Spine J. 2016;25(7):2000-22.
  • Galbusera F, Côté P, Negrini S. Expected impact of lockdown measures due to COVID-19 on disabling conditions: a modelling study of chronic low back pain. Eur Spine J. 2021;30(10):2944-54.
  • Green BN, Johnson CD, Haldeman S, Kane EJ, Clay MB, Griffith EA, Castellote JM, Smuck M, Rajasekaran S, Hurwitz EL, Nordin M, Randhawa K, Yu H. The Global Spine Care Initiative: Public health and prevention interventions for common spine disorders in low- and middle-income communities. Eur Spine J. 2018;27(Suppl 6):838-50.
  • Haldeman S, Johnson CD, Chou R, Nordin M, Côté P, Hurwitz EL, Green BN, Cedraschi C, Acaroğlu E, Kopansky-Giles D, Ameis A, Adjei-Kwayisi A, Ayhan S, Blyth F, Borenstein D, Brady O, Brooks P, Camilleri C, Castellote JM, Clay MB, Davatchi F, Dunn R, Goertz C, Griffith EA, Hondras M, Kane EJ, Lemeunier N, Mayer J, Mmopelwa T, Modic M, Moss J, Mullerpatan R, Muteti E, Mwaniki L, Ngandeu-Singwe M, Outerbridge G, Randhawa K, Shearer H, Sönmez E, Torres C, Torres P, Verville L, Vlok A, Watters W, 3rd, Wong CC, Yu H. The Global Spine Care Initiative: Care pathway for people with spine-related concerns. Eur Spine J. 2018;27(Suppl 6):901-14.
  • Haldeman S, Johnson CD, Chou R, Nordin M, Côté P, Hurwitz EL, Green BN, Kopansky-Giles D, Cedraschi C, Aartun E, Acaroğlu E, Ameis A, Ayhan S, Blyth F, Borenstein D, Brady O, Davatchi F, Goertz C, Hajjaj-Hassouni N, Hartvigsen J, Hondras M, Lemeunier N, Mayer J, Mior S, Mmopelwa T, Modic M, Mullerpatan R, Mwaniki L, Ngandeu-Singwe M, Outerbridge G, Randhawa K, Sönmez E, Torres C, Torres P, Watters W, 3rd, Yu H. The Global Spine Care Initiative: Classification system for spine- related concerns. Eur Spine J. 2018;27(Suppl 6):889- 900.
  • Haldeman S, Nordin M, Chou R, Côté P, Hurwitz EL, Johnson CD, Randhawa K, Green BN, Kopansky-Giles D, Acaroğlu E, Ameis A, Cedraschi C, Aartun E, Adjei-Kwayisi A, Ayhan S, Aziz A, Bas T, Blyth F, Borenstein D, Brady O, Brooks P, Camilleri C, Castellote JM, Clay MB, Davatchi F, Dudler J, Dunn R, Eberspaecher S, Emmerich J, Farcy JP, Fisher-Jeffes N, Goertz C, Grevitt M, Griffith EA, Hajjaj-Hassouni N, Hartvigsen J, Hondras M, Kane EJ, Laplante J, Lemeunier N, Mayer J, Mior S, Mmopelwa T, Modic M, Moss J, Mullerpatan R, Muteti E, Mwaniki L, Ngandeu-Singwe M, Outerbridge G, Rajasekaran S, Shearer H, Smuck M, Sönmez E, Tavares P, Taylor- Vaisey A, Torres C, Torres P, van der Horst A, Verville L, Vialle E, Kumar GV, Vlok A, Watters W, 3rd, Wong CC, Wong JJ, Yu H, Yüksel S. The Global Spine Care Initiative: World Spine Care executive summary on reducing spine-related disability in low- and middle-income communities. Eur Spine J. 2018;27(Suppl 6):776-85.
  • Hincapié CA, Cassidy JD, Côté P, Rampersaud YR, Jadad AR, Tomlinson GA. Chiropractic spinal manipulation and the risk for acute lumbar disc herniation: A belief elicitation study. Eur Spine J. 2018;27(7):1517-25.
  • Hincapié CA, Tomlinson GA, Côté P, Rampersaud YR, Jadad AR, Cassidy JD. Chiropractic care and risk for acute lumbar disc herniation: A population-based self- controlled case series study. Eur Spine J. 2018;27(7):1526-37.
  • Hurwitz EL, Randhawa K, Torres P, Yu H, Verville L, Hartvigsen J, Côté P, Haldeman S. The Global Spine Care Initiative: A systematic review of individual and community-based burden of spinal disorders in rural populations in low- and middle-income communities. Eur Spine J. 2018;27(Suppl 6):802-15.
  • Hurwitz EL, Randhawa K, Yu H, Côté P, Haldeman S. The Global Spine Care Initiative: A summary of the global burden of low back and neck pain studies. Eur Spine J. 2018;27 (Suppl 6):796-801.
  • Johnson CD, Haldeman S, Chou R, Nordin M, Green BN, Côté P, Hurwitz EL, Kopansky-Giles D, Acaroğlu E, Cedraschi C, Ameis A, Randhawa K, Aartun E, Adjei-Kwayisi A, Ayhan S, Aziz A, Bas T, Blyth F, Borenstein D, Brady O, Brooks P, Camilleri C, Castellote JM, Clay MB, Davatchi F, Dudler J, Dunn R, Eberspaecher S, Emmerich J, Farcy JP, Fisher-Jeffes N, Goertz C, Grevitt M, Griffith EA, Hajjaj-Hassouni N, Hartvigsen J, Hondras M, Kane EJ, Laplante J, Lemeunier N, Mayer J, Mior S, Mmopelwa T, Modic M, Moss J, Mullerpatan R, Muteti E, Mwaniki L, Ngandeu-Singwe M, Outerbridge G, Rajasekaran S, Shearer H, Smuck M, Sönmez E, Tavares P, Taylor- Vaisey A, Torres C, Torres P, van der Horst A, Verville L, Vialle E, Kumar GV, Vlok A, Watters W, 3rd, Wong CC, Wong JJ, Yu H, Yüksel S. The Global Spine Care Initiative: Model of care and implementation. Eur Spine J. 2018;27(Suppl 6):925-45.
  • Johnson CD, Haldeman S, Nordin M, Chou R, Côté P, Hurwitz EL, Green BN, Kopansky-Giles D, Randhawa K, Cedraschi C, Ameis A, Acaroğlu E, Aartun E, Adjei-Kwayisi A, Ayhan S, Aziz A, Bas T, Blyth F, Borenstein D, Brady O, Brooks P, Camilleri C, Castellote JM, Clay MB, Davatchi F, Dudler J, Dunn R, Eberspaecher S, Emmerich J, Farcy JP, Fisher-Jeffes N, Goertz C, Grevitt M, Griffith EA, Hajjaj-Hassouni N, Hartvigsen J, Hondras M, Kane EJ, Laplante J, Lemeunier N, Mayer J, Mior S, Mmopelwa T, Modic M, Moss J, Mullerpatan R, Muteti E, Mwaniki L, Ngandeu-Singwe M, Outerbridge G, Rajasekaran S, Shearer H, Smuck M, Sönmez E, Tavares P, Taylor- Vaisey A, Torres C, Torres P, van der Horst A, Verville L, Vialle E, Kumar GV, Vlok A, Watters W, 3rd, Wong CC, Wong JJ, Yu H, Yüksel S. The Global Spine Care Initiative: Methodology, contributors, and disclosures. Eur Spine J. 2018;27(Suppl 6):786-95.
  • Kopansky-Giles D, Johnson CD, Haldeman S, Chou R, Côté P, Green BN, Nordin M, Acaroğlu E, Ameis A, Cedraschi C, Hurwitz EL, Ayhan S, Borenstein D, Brady O, Brooks P, Davatchi F, Dunn R, Goertz C, Hajjaj-Hassouni N, Hartvigsen J, Hondras M, Lemeunier N, Mayer J, Mior S, Moss J, Mullerpatan R, Muteti E, Mwaniki L, Ngandeu-Singwe M, Outerbridge G, Randhawa K, Torres C, Torres P, Vlok A, Wong CC. The Global Spine Care Initiative: Resources to implement a spine care program. Eur Spine J. 2018;27(Suppl 6):915-24.
  • Lemeunier N, da Silva-Oolup S, Chow N, Southerst D, Carroll L, Wong JJ, Shearer H, Mastragostino P, Cox J, Côté E, Murnaghan K, Sutton D, Côté P. Reliability and validity of clinical tests to assess the anatomical integrity of the cervical spine in adults with neck pain and its associated disorders: Part 1-A. Systematic review from the Cervical Assessment and Diagnosis Research Evaluation (CADRE) Collaboration. Eur Spine J. 2017;26(9):2225-41.
  • Lemeunier N, da Silva-Oolup S, Olesen K, Shearer H, Carroll LJ, Brady O, Côté E, Stern P, Tuff T, Suri-Chilana M, Torres P, Wong JJ, Sutton D, Murnaghan K, Côté P. Reliability and validity of self-reported questionnaires to measure pain and disability in adults with neck pain and its associated disorders: Part 3. A systematic review from the CADRE Collaboration. Eur Spine J. 2019;28(5):1156-79.
  • Moser N, Lemeunier N, Southerst D, Shearer H, Murnaghan K, Sutton D, Côté P. Validity and reliability of clinical prediction rules used to screen for cervical spine injury in alert low-risk patients with blunt trauma to the neck: Part 2. A systematic review from the Cervical Assessment and Diagnosis Research Evaluation (CADRE) Collaboration. Eur Spine J. 2018;27(6):1219-33.
  • Mullerpatan R, Nahar S, Singh Y, Côté P, Nordin M. Burden of spine pain among rural and tribal populations in Raigad District of Maharashtra State of India. Eur Spine J. 2021; 30: 1004-10.
  • Nolet PS, Kristman VL, Côté P, Carroll LJ, Cassidy JD. Is low back pain associated with worse health-related quality of life 6 months later? Eur Spine J. 2015;24 (3):458-66.
  • Nolet PS, Kristman VL, Côté P, Carroll LJ, Cassidy JD. The association between a lifetime history of low back injury in a motor vehicle collision and future low back pain: A population- based cohort study. Eur Spine J. 2018;27(1):136-44.
  • Nolet PS, Kristman VL, Côté P, Carroll LJ, Hincapié CA, David Cassidy J. The association between a lifetime history of work-related low back injury and future low back pain: A population-based cohort study. Eur Spine J. 2016;25 (4):1242-50.
  • Nordin M, Balagué F, Burton K, Cedraschi C, Côté P, Rydevik B, Salmi LR, Szpalski M. EuroSpine Task Force on Research: Support for spine researchers. Eur Spine J. 2015;24(12):2709-12.
  • Nordin M, Randhawa K, Torres P, Yu H, Haldeman S, Brady O, Côté P, Torres C, Modic M, Mullerpatan R, Cedraschi C, Chou R, Acaroğlu E, Hurwitz EL, Lemeunier N, Dudler J, Taylor-Vaisey A, Sönmez E. The Global Spine Care Initiative: A systematic review for the assessment of spine-related complaints in populations with limited resources and in low- and middle-income communities. Eur Spine J. 2018;27(Suppl 6):816-27.
  • Varatharajan S, Ferguson B, Chrobak K, Shergill Y, Côté P, Wong JJ, Yu H, Shearer HM, Southerst D, Sutton D, Randhawa K, Jacobs C, Abdulla S, Woitzik E, Marchand AA, van der Velde G, Carroll LJ, Nordin M, Ammendolia C, Mior S, Ameis A, Stupar M, Taylor-Vaisey A. Are non-invasive interventions effective for the management of headaches associated with neck pain? An update of the Bone and Joint Decade Task Force on Neck Pain and Its Associated Disorders by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. Eur Spine J. 2016;25(7):1971-99.
  • Wong JJ, Côté P, Ameis A, Varatharajan S, Varatharajan T, Shearer HM, Brison RJ, Sutton D, Randhawa K, Yu H, Southerst D, Goldgrub R, Mior S, Stupar M, Carroll LJ, Taylor-Vaisey A. Are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs effective for the management of neck pain and associated disorders, whiplash-associated disorders, or non-specific low back pain? A systematic review of systematic reviews by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. Eur Spine J. 2016;25(1):34-61.
Global Spine Journal

  • Tetreault L, Le D, Côté P, Fehlings M. Thepractical application of clinical prediction rules: a commentary using case examples in surgical patients with degenerative cervical myelopathy. Global Spine J. 2015;5(6):457-65.

Health Expectations

  • Salmi LR, Côté P, Cedraschi C. Covering patient's perspective in case-based critical review articles to improve shared decision making in complex cases. Health Expect. 2020; (5):1037-1044.

Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland)

  • Bartfay E, Stewart P, Bartfay W, Papaconstantinou E. Is there an association between physical activity and sleep in community-dwelling persons with dementia: an exploratory study using self-reported measures? Healthcare (Basel). 2019;7(1):6.

Implementation Science

  • Cancelliere C, Sutton D, Côté P, French SD, Taylor- Vaisey A, Mior SA. Implementation interventions for musculoskeletal programs of care in the active military and barriers, facilitators, and outcomes of implementation: a scoping review. Implement Sci. 2019;14(1):82.

International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 

  • Papaconstantinou EA, Shearer H, Fynn-Sackey N, Smith K, Taylor-Vaisey A, Cote P. The association between chronotype and mental health problems in a university population: A systematic review of the literature. Int J Ment Health Addict. 2019;17:716-30.

JAMA Network Open

  • Chow N, Hogg-Johnson S, Mior S, Cancelliere C, Injeyan S, Teodorczyk-Injeyan J, Cassidy JD, Taylor-Vaisey A, Côté P. Assessment of studies evaluating spinal manipulative therapy and infectious disease and immune system outcomes: A systematic review. JAMA Netw Open 2021; 4: e215493.

Journal of American College Health

  • Meckamalil C, Brodie L, Hogg-Johnson S, Carroll LJ, Jacobs C, Côté P. The prevalence of anxiety, stress and depressive symptoms in undergraduate students at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. J Am Coll Health. 2020:1-6.

Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities

  • Dobranowski K, Lloyd M, Côté P, Balogh R. Validity of proxy-reported height and weight to derive body mass index in adults participating in Special Olympics. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil. 2018;31 Suppl 1:136-43.
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. American Volume

  • Brady O, Nordin M, Hondras M, Outerbridge G, Kopansky-Giles D, Côté P, da Silva S, Ford T, Eberspaecher S, Acaroğlu E, Mmopelwa T, Hurwitz EL, Haldeman S. Global Forum: Spine research and training in underserved, low and middle-income, culturally unique communities: the world spine care charity research program's challenges and facilitators. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2016;98 (24):e110.
  • Tetreault L, Kopjar B, Côté P, Arnold P, Fehlings MG. A clinical prediction rule for functional outcomes in patients undergoing surgery for degenerative cervical myelopathy: Analysis of an international prospective multicenter data set of 757 subjects. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2015;97 (24):2038-46.
Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association

  • Alexopulos S, Cancelliere C, Côté P, Mior S. Reconciling evidence and experience in the context of evidence-based practice. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2021;65(2):132-6.
  • Boudreau PA, Steiman I, Mior S. Clinical management of benign joint hypermobility syndrome: A case series. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2020;64(1):43-54.
  • Bussières A, Côté P, French S, Godwin M, Gotlib A, Graham ID, Grondin D, Hawk C, Leboeuf-Yde C, Mior S, Stuber K. Creating a chiropractic practice-based research network (PBRN): Enhancing the management of musculoskeletal care. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2014;58(1):8-15.
  • Chung CL, Mior SA. Use of spinal manipulation in a rheumatoid patient presenting with acute thoracic pain: A case report. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2015;59 (2):143-9.
  • Connell G, To D, Ashraf M, Verville L. Appraisal and summary of patellofemoral pain clinical practice guideline / [Évaluation et résumé des lignes directrices relatives à la prise en charge du syndrome fémoro-patellaire]. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2020;64(3):180-6.
  • Connell G, Weis CA, Hollman H, Nissen K, Verville L, Cancelliere C. Physical activity throughout pregnancy: Guideline critical appraisal and implementation tool. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2021;65(1):50-58.
  • Cougle E, Black M, Hogg- Johnson S, Decina P, Tibbles A, Mior SA. Health-related quality of life and balance confidence among participants in a senior community-based exercise (SWIFT) program compared to age matched controls: A cross-sectional study. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2020;64(1):55-64.
  • Cox J, Davidian C, Mior S. Neck pain in children: A retrospective case series. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2016;60(3):212-9.
  • Esson SA, Côté P, Weaver R, Aartun E, Mior S. "I stay in bed, sometimes all day." A qualitative study exploring lived experiences of persons with disabling low back pain. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2020;64(1):16-31.
  • Funabashi M, Pohlman KA, Mior S, O'Beirne M, Westaway M, De Carvalho D, El-Bayoumi M, Haig B, Wade DJ, Thiel HW, Cassidy JD, Hurwitz E, Kawchuk GN, Vohra S. SafetyNET Community-based patient safety Initiatives: development and application of a Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Survey. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2018;62(3):130-42.
  • Grant C, Tuff T, Corso M, Young JJ, Stern PJ, Côté E, Côté P. Incidence and risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders of the elbow in baseball pitchers: A systematic review of the literature / [Incidence et facteurs de risque des troubles musculosquelettiques du coude chez le lanceur de baseball: revue exhaustive de la littérature]. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2020;64(3):165-79.
  • Randhawa K, Côté P, Gross DP, Wong JJ, Yu H, Sutton D, Southerst D, Varatharajan S, Mior S, Stupar M, Shearer HM, Lindsay GM, Jacobs C, Taylor-Vaisey A. The effectiveness of structured patient education for the management of musculoskeletal disorders and injuries of the extremities: A systematic review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2015;59(4):349-62.
  • Shergill Y, Côté P, Shearer H, Wong JJ, Stupar M, Tibbles A, Cassidy JD. Inter-rater reliability of the Quebec Task Force classification system for recent-onset Whiplash Associated Disorders. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2021;65(2):186-92.
  • Stainsby BE, Mior S, Guttman M. Locus of control in patients with Huntington disease: A cross-sectional study. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2020;64(1):65-75.
  • Vogel E, Mior SA, Sutton D, Côté P, French S, Nordin M, Laporte A. When boundaries blur - exploring healthcare providers' views of chiropractic interprofessional care and the Canadian Forces Health Services. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2021;65(1):14-31.
  • Weisberg J, Connell G, Verville L, Cancelliere C. Brief action planning to facilitate the management of acute low back pain with radiculopathy and yellow flags: A case report. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2021;65(2):212-8.
Journal of Chiropractic Education

  • Verville L, Côté P, Grondin D, Mior S, Kay R. The development and evaluation of an online educational tool for the evidence-based management of neck pain by chiropractic teaching faculty. J Chiropr Educ. 2021;35(1):95-101.
  • Verville L, Côté P, Grondin D, Mior S, Moodley K, Kay R, Taylor-Vaisey A. Using technology-based educational interventions to improve knowledge about clinical practice guidelines. J Chiropr Educ. 2021;35(1):149-157. 

Journal of Chiropractic Medicine

  • Ammendolia C, Côté P, Rampersaud YR, Southerst D, Budgell B, Bombardier C, Hawker G. Effect of TENS versus placebo on walking capacity in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis: A protocol for a randomized controlled trial. J Chiropr Med. 2016;15(3):197-203.
  • Wong JJ, Laframboise M, Mior S. Multimodal therapy combining spinal manipulation, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, and heat for primary dysmenorrhea: A prospective case study. J Chiropr Med. 2018;17(3):190-7.

Journal of Insurance Medicine

  • Moodley K, Cancelliere C, Power R, Côté P. Evidence-based claims adjudication of traffic injury claims in Ontario: Shifting the focus from cost to care. J Insur Med. 2020;48:154-64. 11.1

Journal of Clinical Epidemiology

  • Negrini S, Ceravolo MG, Côté P, Arienti C. A systematic review that is  "rapid'' and "living'': A specific answer to the COVID-19 pandemic. J Clin Epidemiol. 2021;S0895-4356(21)00177-3.

Journal of General Internal Medicine

  • Wong JJ, Tricco AC, Côté P, Liang CY, Lewis JA, Bouck Z, Rosella LC. Association between depressive symptoms or depression and health outcomes for low back pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Gen Intern Med. 2021 Aug 12. Epub ahead of print.
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics

  • Beliveau PJH, McIsaac MA, Mior SA, French SD. An investigation of chiropractor-directed weight-loss interventions: secondary analysis of O-COAST. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2019;42(5):353-65.
  • Brown CK, Southerst D, Côté P, Shearer HM, Randhawa K, Wong JJ, Yu H, Varatharajan S, Sutton D, Stern PJ, D'Angelo K, Dion S, Cox J, Goldgrub R, Stupar M, Carroll LJ, Taylor-Vaisey A. The effectiveness of exercise on recovery and clinical outcomes in patients with soft tissue injuries of the hip, thigh, or knee: A systematic review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2016;39(2):110-20.e1.
  • Chung CLR, Côté P, Stern P, L'Espérance G. The association between cervical spine manipulation and carotid artery dissection: A systematic review of the literature. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2015;38(9):672-6.
  • D'Angelo K, Sutton D, Côté P, Dion S, Wong JJ, Yu H, Randhawa K, Southerst D, Varatharajan S, Cox Dresser J, Brown C, Menta R, Nordin M, Shearer HM, Ameis A, Stupar M, Carroll LJ, Taylor-Vaisey A. The effectiveness of passive physical modalities for the management of soft tissue injuries and neuropathies of the wrist and hand: a systematic review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2015;38(7):493-506.
  • Dion S, Stupar M, Côté P, Grenier JM, Taylor JA. Criteria to screen for traumatic cervical spine instability: A consensus of chiropractic radiologists. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2018;41(2):156-63.
  • Goldgrub R, Côté P, Sutton D, Wong JJ, Yu H, Randhawa K, Varatharajan S, Southerst D, Mior S, Shearer HM, Jacobs C, Stupar M, Chung CL, Abdulla S, Balogh R, Dogra S, Nordin M, Taylor-Vaisey A. The effectiveness of multimodal care for the management of soft tissue injuries of the shoulder: A systematic review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2016;39(2):121-39.e1.
  • Lindsay GM, Mior SA, Côté P, Carroll LJ, Shearer HM. Patients' experiences with vehicle collision to inform the development of clinical practice guidelines: A narrative inquiry. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2016;39(3):218-28.
  • McGregor M, Nielsen A, Chung C, Fillery MD, Wakeland W, Mior S. System dynamics to investigate opioid use and chiropractic care for chronic musculoskeletal pain. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2019;42(4):237-46.
  • Menta R, Randhawa K, Côté P, Wong JJ, Yu H, Sutton D, Varatharajan S, Southerst D, D'Angelo K, Cox J, Brown C, Dion S, Mior S, Stupar M, Shearer HM, Lindsay GM, Jacobs C, Taylor-Vaisey A. The effectiveness of exercise for the management of musculoskeletal disorders and injuries of the elbow, forearm, wrist, and hand: a systematic review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2015;38(7):507-20.
  • Southerst D, Côté P, Stupar M, Stern P, Mior S. The reliability of body pain diagrams in the quantitative measurement of pain distribution and location in patients with musculoskeletal pain: A systematic review. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2013;36(7):450-9.
  • Southerst D, Marchand AA, Côté P, Shearer HM, Wong JJ, Varatharajan S, Randhawa K, Sutton D, Yu H, Gross DP, Jacobs C, Goldgrub R, Stupar M, Mior S, Carroll LJ, Taylor- Vaisey A. The effectiveness of noninvasive interventions for musculoskeletal thoracic spine and chest wall pain: A systematic review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2015;38 (7):521-31.
  • Southerst D, Stupar M, Côté P, Mior S, Stern P. The reliability of measuring pain distribution and location using body pain diagrams in patients with acute whiplash- associated disorders. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2013;36(7):395- 402.
  • Stupar M, Côté P, Beaton DE, Boyle E, Cassidy JD. A test-retest reliability study of the whiplash disability questionnaire in patients with acute whiplash-associated disorders. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2015;38(9):629-36.
  • Sutton DA, Nordin M, Côté P, Randhawa K, Yu H, Wong JJ, Stern P, Varatharajan S, Southerst D, Shearer HM, Stupar M, Chung C, Goldgrub R, Carroll LJ, Taylor-Vaisey A. The effectiveness of multimodal care for soft tissue injuries of the lower extremity: A systematic review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2016;39 (2):95-109.e2.
  • Wong JJ, McGregor M, Mior SA, Loisel P. Examination of the relationship between theory-driven policies and allowed lost-time back claims in workers' compensation: A system dynamics model. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2014;37(1):7-21.
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 

  • Carnide N, Hogg-Johnson S, Furlan AD, Côté P, Koehoorn M. Prescription dispensing patterns before and after a workers' compensation claim: an historical cohort study of workers with low back pain injuries in British Columbia. J Occup Environ Med. 2018;60 (7):644-55.

Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation

  • Carnide N, Franche RL, Hogg-Johnson S, Côté P, Breslin FC, Severin CN, Bültmann U, Krause N. Course of depressive symptoms following a workplace injury: A 12-month follow-up update. J Occup Rehabil. 2016;26(2):204-15.
  • Côté P, Yang X, Kristman V, Hogg-Johnson S, Van Eerd D, Rezai M, Vidmar M. The association between workers' compensation claims involving neck pain and future health care utilization: A population-based cohort study. J Occup Rehabil. 2013;23(4):547-56.
  • Shearer HM, Côté P, Boyle E, Hayden JA, Frank J, Johnson WG. Who will have sustainable employment after a back injury? The development of a clinical prediction model in a cohort of injured workers. J Occup Rehabil. 2017;27(3):445- 55.
  • Tang K, Beaton DE, Amick BC, 3rd, Hogg- Johnson S, Côté P, Loisel P. Confirmatory factor analysis of the Work Limitations Questionnaire (WLQ-25) in Workers' Compensation Claimants with chronic upper-limb disorders. J Occup Rehabil. 2013;23(2):228-38.
  • Varatharajan S, Côté P, Shearer HM, Loisel P, Wong JJ, Southerst D, Yu H, Randhawa K, Sutton D, van der Velde G, Mior S, Carroll LJ, Jacobs C, Taylor-Vaisey A. Are work disability prevention interventions effective for the management of neck pain or upper extremity disorders? A systematic review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. J Occup Rehabil. 2014;24(4):692-708.

Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy

  • Cancelliere C, Mohammed RJ. Brain drain: Psychosocial factors influence recovery following mild traumatic brain injury-3 recommendations for clinicians assessing psychosocial factors. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2019;49(11):842-4.
  • Cox J, Varatharajan S, Côté P, OPTIMa Collaboration. Effectiveness of acupuncture therapies to manage musculoskeletal disorders of the extremities: A systematic review. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2016;46(6):409-29.
  • Yu H, Randhawa K, Côté P, OPTIMa Collaboration. The effectiveness of physical agents for lower-limb soft tissue injuries: A systematic review. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2016;46(7):523-54.

Journal of Pain

  • Bussières A, Cancelliere C, Ammendolia C, Comer CM, Zoubi FA, Châtillon CE, Chernish G, Cox JM, Gliedt JA, Haskett D, Jensen RK, Marchand AA, Tomkins-Lane C, O'Shaughnessy J, Passmore S, Schneider MJ, Shipka P, Stewart G, Stuber K, Yee A, Ornelas J, Canadian Chiropractic Guideline Initiative. Non-surgical interventions for lumbar spinal stenosis leading to neurogenic claudication: A clinical practice guideline. J Pain. 2021;22(9):1015-39.

Journal of Physiotherapy

  • Côté P. Critically appraised paper: Stress inoculation training plus exercise improved disability more than exercise alone for patients with acute whiplash-associated disorder [commentary]. J Physiother. 2020;66(3):197.

Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine

  • Aartun E, Axén I, Mior S, Røe Y, Hondras M, Kretz L, Côté P. Contextualizing the lived experiences of patients with low back pain from different countries according to the ICF framework. J Rehabil Med. 2021;53(5):jrm00189.
  • Gutenbrunner C, Stokes EK, Dreinhöfer K, Monsbakken J, Clarke S, Côté P, Urseau I, Constantine D, Tardif C, Balakrishna V, Nugraha B. Why rehabilitation must have priority during and after the COVID-19- pandemic: A position statement of the Global Rehabilitation Alliance. J Rehabil Med. 2020;52(7):jrm00081.

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

  • Corso M, Liang C, Tran S, Howitt S, Srbely J, Mior SA. The immediate effect of spinal manipulation on ball velocity and neuromuscular function during an instep kick in former varsity soccer players: A feasibility study. J Strength Cond Res. 2020.

Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases

  • Cassidy JD, Boyle E, Côté P, Hogg-Johnson S, Bondy SJ, Haldeman S. Risk of carotid stroke after chiropractic care: A population-based case-crossover study. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2017;26 (4):842-50.
  • Cassidy JD, Côté P. Re: Cai et al, case misclassification in studies of spinal manipulation and arterial dissection, J Stroke Cerebrovascular Dis 2014. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2015;24(4):901-2.

Manual Therapy

  • Abdulla SY, Southerst D, Côté P, Shearer HM, Sutton D, Randhawa K, Varatharajan S, Wong JJ, Yu H, Marchand AA, Chrobak K, Woitzik E, Shergill Y, Ferguson B, Stupar M, Nordin M, Jacobs C, Mior S, Carroll LJ, van der Velde G, Taylor- Vaisey A. Is exercise effective for the management of subacromial impingement syndrome and other soft tissue injuries of the shoulder? A systematic review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. Man Ther. 2015;20(5):646-56.
  • Piper S, Shearer HM, Côté P, Wong JJ, Yu H, Varatharajan S, Southerst D, Randhawa KA, Sutton DA, Stupar M, Nordin MC, Mior SA, van der Velde GM, Taylor-Vaisey AL. The effectiveness of soft-tissue therapy for the management of musculoskeletal disorders and injuries of the upper and lower extremities: A systematic review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. Man Ther. 2016;21:18-34.
  • Winterbottom M, Boon H, Mior S, Facey M. Informed consent for chiropractic care: Comparing patients' perceptions to the legal perspective. Man Ther. 2015;20(3):463-8.
  • Woitzik E, Jacobs C, Wong JJ, Côté P, Shearer HM, Randhawa K, Sutton D, Southerst D, Varatharajan S, Brison RJ, Yu H, van der Velde G, Stern PJ, Taylor-Vaisey A, Stupar M, Mior S, Carroll LJ. The effectiveness of exercise on recovery and clinical outcomes of soft tissue injuries of the leg, ankle, and foot: A systematic review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. Man Ther. 2015;20(5):633-45.

Military Medicine

  • Mior SA, Vogel E, Sutton D, French S, Côté P, Nordin M, Loisel P, Laporte A. Exploring chiropractic services in the Canadian Forces Health Services - Perceptions of facilitators and barriers among key informants. Mil Med. 2019;184(5-6):e344-e51.

Musculoskeletal Science & Practice

  • Funabashi M, Holmes MM, Pohlman KA, Salsbury S, O'Beirne M, Vohra S, Mior S. "Doing our best for patient safety": An international and interprofessional qualitative study with spinal manipulative therapy providers in community-based settings. Musculoskelet Sci Pract. 2021;56:102470.
  • Lemeunier N, Jeoun EB, Suri M, Tuff T, Shearer H, Mior S, Wong JJ, da Silva- Oolup S, Torres P, D'Silva C, Stern P, Yu H, Millan M, Sutton D, Murnaghan K, Cȏté P. Reliability and validity of clinical tests to assess posture, pain location, and cervical spine mobility in adults with neck pain and its associated disorders: Part 4. A systematic review from the cervical assessment and diagnosis research evaluation (CADRE) collaboration. Musculoskelet Sci Pract. 2018;38:128-47.
  • Pico-Espinosa OJ, Aboagye E, Côté P, Peterson A, Holm LW, Jensen I, Skillgate E. Deep tissue massage, strengthening and stretching exercises, and a combination of both compared with advice to stay active for subacute or persistent non-specific neck pain: A cost-effectiveness analysis of the Stockholm Neck trial (STONE). Musculoskelet Sci Pract. 2020;46:102109.
  • Skillgate E, Pico-Espinosa OJ, Côté P, Jensen I, Viklund P, Bottai M, Holm LW. Effectiveness of deep tissue massage therapy, and supervised strengthening and stretching exercises for subacute or persistent disabling neck pain. The Stockholm Neck (STONE) randomized controlled trial. Musculoskelet Sci Pract. 2020;45:102070.
  • Bourgaize S, Janjua I, Murnaghan K, Mior S, Srbely J, Newton G. Fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome: Two sides of the same coin? A scoping review to determine the lexicon of the current diagnostic criteria. Musculoskeletal Care. 2019;17(1):3-12.

Neurosurgical Focus

  • Tetreault L, Wilson JR, Kotter MR, Nouri A, Côté P, Kopjar B, Arnold PM, Fehlings MG. Predicting the minimum clinically important difference in patients undergoing surgery for the treatment of degenerative cervical myelopathy. Neurosurg Focus. 2016;40(6):E14.


  • Tetreault L, Tan G, Kopjar B, Côté P, Arnold P, Nugaeva N, Barbagallo G, Fehlings MG. Clinical andsurgical predictors of complications following surgery for the treatment of cervical spondylotic myelopathy: results from the multicenter, prospective aospine international study of 479 patients. Neurosurgery. 2016;79(1):33-44.
  • Tetreault L, Wilson JR, Kotter MRN, Côté P, Nouri A, Kopjar B, Arnold PM, Fehlings MG. Is preoperative duration of symptoms a significant predictor of functional outcomes in patients undergoing surgery for the treatment of degenerative cervical myelopathy? Neurosurgery. 2019;85(5):642- 7.

Occupational and Environmental Medicine

  • Carnide N, Hogg-Johnson S, Côté P, Koehoorn M, Furlan AD. Factors associated with early opioid dispensing compared with NSAID and muscle relaxant dispensing after a work-related low back injury. Occup Environ Med. 2020;77(9):637-47.
  • Carnide N, Hogg-Johnson S, Koehoorn M, Furlan AD, Côté P. Relationship between early prescription dispensing patterns and work disability in a cohort of low back pain workers' compensation claimants: a historical cohort study. Occup Environ Med. 2019;76(8):573-81.

Open Orthopaedics Journal

  • Macdermid JC, Walton DM, Côté P, Santaguida PL, Gross A, Carlesso L. Use of outcome measures in managing neck pain: An international multidisciplinary survey. Open Orthop J. 2013;7:506-20.


  • Wong JJ, Côté P, Tricco AC, Watson T, Rosella LC. Assessing the validity of health administrative data compared to population health survey data for the measurement of low back pain. Pain. 2021;162(1):219-26.
  • Wong JJ, Côté P, Tricco AC, Watson T, Rosella LC. Effect of back problems on healthcare utilization and costs in Ontario, Canada: A population-based matched cohort study. Pain. 2021 Oct 1;162(10):2521-2531.
  • Wong JJ, Côté P, Tricco AC, Watson T, Rosella LC. Joint effects of back pain and mental health conditions on health care utilization and costs in Ontario, Canada: A population-based cohort study. Pain. 2022 Jan 25.

Plos One

  • Eilayyan O, Thomas A, Hallé MC, Tibbles AC, Jacobs C, Ahmed S, Schneider MJ, Al Zoubi F, Lee J, Myrtos D, Long CR, Bussieres A. Promoting the use of a self-management strategy among novice chiropractors treating individuals with spine pain: A mixed-methods pilot clustered-clinical trial. PLOS One. 2022 Jan 21;17(1):e0262825. 

Physical Therapy

  • Yu H, Côté P, Shearer HM, Wong JJ, Sutton DA, Randhawa KA, Varatharajan S, Southerst D, Mior SA, Ameis A, Stupar M, Nordin M, van der Velde GM, Carroll L, Jacobs CL, Taylor-Vaisey A, Abdulla S, Shergill Y. Effectiveness of passive physical modalities for shoulder pain: Systematic review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management Collaboration. Phys Ther. 2015;95(3):306-18.

Psychiatry Research Communications

  • Short M, Martin K, Livingston L, Côté P. Physical activity, sedentary behaviour and symptoms of anxiety in post-secondary students: A cross-sectional study of two faculties. Psychiatry Res Commun. 2021;1(1):10007.

Scandinavian Journal of Public Health

  • Johansson F, Côté P, Hogg-Johnson S, Rudman A, Holm LW, Grotle M, Jensen I, Sundberg T, Edlund K, Skillgate E. Depression, anxiety and stress among Swedish university students before and during six months of the COVID-19 pandemic: A cohort study. Scand J Public Health. 2021;49(7):750-754.
  • Johansson F, Côté P, Hogg-Johnson S, Skillgate E. Depression, anxiety and stress among Swedish university students during the second and third waves of COVID-19: A cohort study. Scand J Public Health. 2021;49(7):741-749.

Science Reports



  • Nouri A, Tetreault L, Côté P, Zamorano JJ, Dalzell K, Fehlings MG. Does magnetic resonance imaging improve the predictive performance of a validated clinical prediction rule developed to evaluate surgical outcome in patients with degenerative cervical myelopathy? Spine. 2015;40(14):1092-100.
  • Tetreault L, Nouri A, Kopjar B, Côté P, Fehlings MG. The minimum clinically important difference of the modified Japanese orthopaedic association scale in patients with degenerative cervical myelopathy. Spine. 2015;40(21):1653-9.

Spine Journal

  • Ammendolia C, Rampersaud YR, Southerst D, Ahmed A, Schneider M, Hawker G, Bombardier C, Côté P. Effect of a prototype lumbar spinal stenosis belt versus a lumbar support on walking capacity in lumbar spinal stenosis: A randomized controlled trial. Spine J. 2019;19(3):386-94.
  • Fehlings MG, Tetreault L, Côté P, Arnold P, Kopjar B. Reply to the letter to the editor regarding "A clinical prediction model to assess surgical outcome in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy: internal and external validation using the prospective multicenter AOSpine North American and International datasets of 743 patients." Spine J 2015;15:388-397. Spine J. 2015;15(11):2447-8.
  • Nolet PS, Côté P, Kristman VL, Rezai M, Carroll LJ, Cassidy JD. Is neck pain associated with worse health-related quality of life 6 months later? A population-based cohort study. Spine J. 2015;15(4):675-84.
  • Shearer HM, Carroll LJ, Wong JJ, Côté P, Varatharajan S, Southerst D, Sutton DA, Randhawa KA, Yu H, Mior SA, van der Velde GM, Nordin MC, Stupar M, Taylor-Vaisey AL. Are psychological interventions effective for the management of neck pain and whiplash-associated disorders? A systematic review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. Spine J. 2016;16(12):1566-81.
  • Southerst D, Nordin MC, Côté P, Shearer HM, Varatharajan S, Yu H, Wong JJ, Sutton DA, Randhawa KA, van der Velde GM, Mior SA, Carroll LJ, Jacobs CL, Taylor-Vaisey A. Is exercise effective for the management of neck pain and associated disorders or whiplash-associated disorders? A systematic review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. Spine J. 2016;16(12):1503-23.
  • Stupar M, Côté P, Beaton DE, Boyle E, Cassidy JD. Structural and construct validity of the Whiplash Disability Questionnaire in adults with acute whiplash-associated disorders. Spine J. 2015;15(11):2369-77.
  • Sutton DA, Côté P, Wong JJ, Varatharajan S, Randhawa KA, Yu H, Southerst D, Shearer HM, van der Velde GM, Nordin MC, Carroll LJ, Mior SA, Taylor-Vaisey A, Stupar M. Is multimodal care effective for the management of patients with whiplash-associated disorders or neck pain and associated disorders? A systematic review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. Spine J. 2016;16(12):1541-65.
  • Tetreault LA, Côté P, Kopjar B, Arnold P, Fehlings MG. A clinical prediction model to assess surgical outcome in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy: Internal and external validations using the prospective multicenter AOSpine North American and international datasets of 743 patients. Spine J. 2015;15(3):388-97.
  • van der Velde G, Yu H, Paulden M, Côté P, Varatharajan S, Shearer HM, Wong JJ, Randhawa K, Southerst D, Mior S, Sutton D, Jacobs C, Taylor- Vaisey A. Which interventions are cost-effective for the management of whiplash-associated and neck pain-associated disorders? A systematic review of the health economic literature by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. Spine J. 2016;16(12):1582-97.
  • Wong JJ, Côté P, Quesnele JJ, Stern PJ, Mior SA. The course and prognostic factors of symptomatic cervical disc herniation with radiculopathy: a systematic review of the literature. Spine J. 2014;14(8):1781-9.
  • Wong JJ, Shearer HM, Mior S, Côté P, Randhawa K, Yu H, Southerst D, Sutton D, Carroll LJ, Ameis A, Ammendolia C, Nordin M, Stupar M, Taylor-Vaisey A. Re: Chow, misleading negative conclusions on LLLT efficacy in an updated review of physical modalities in neck pain treatment. Spine J. 2016;16 (12):1631-3.
  • Wong JJ, Shearer HM, Mior S, Jacobs C, Côté P, Randhawa K, Yu H, Southerst D, Varatharajan S, Sutton D, van der Velde G, Carroll LJ, Ameis A, Ammendolia C, Brison R, Nordin M, Stupar M, Taylor-Vaisey A. Are manual therapies, passive physical modalities, or acupuncture effective for the management of patients with whiplash-associated disorders or neck pain and associated disorders? An update of the Bone and Joint Decade Task Force on Neck Pain and Its Associated Disorders by the [Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management] OPTIMa collaboration. Spine J. 2016;16(12):1598-630.
  • Yu H, Côté P, Southerst D, Wong JJ, Varatharajan S, Shearer HM, Gross DP, van der Velde GM, Carroll LJ, Mior SA, Ameis A, Jacobs CL, Taylor-Vaisey AL. Does structured patient education improve the recovery and clinical outcomes of patients with neck pain? A systematic review from the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. Spine J. 2016;16(12):1524-40.

Systematic Reviews

  • Wong JJ, Tricco AC, Côté P, Rosella LC. The association between depressive symptoms or depression and health outcomes in adults with low back pain with or without radiculopathy: Protocol of a systematic review. Syst Rev. 2019;8(1):267.


  • Skillgate E, Bill AS, Côté P, Viklund P, Peterson A, Holm LW. The effect of massage therapy and/or exercise therapy on subacute or long-lasting neck pain -- The Stockholm neck trial (STONE): Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2015;16:414.


  • Boyle E, Cassidy JD, Côté P. Determining the reliability and convergent validity of a return-to-work status questionnaire. Work. 2019;63(1):69-80.
  • D'Silva C, Côté P, Murphy B, Barakat-Haddad C. Evaluating the test-retest reliability of the SLUMP questionnaire for measuring biomechanical issues during laptop use among university students. Work. 2018;61(2):237-55.
  • D'Silva C, Côté P, Murphy B, Barakat-Haddad C. Developing and evaluating the feasibility of administering the SLUMP questionnaire for evaluating ergonomic exposures to laptop use in university students. Work. 2018;60(2):235-61.