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Global Spine Care Initiative (GSCI)

World Spine Care convened the GSCI to develop an evidence-based, practical, and sustainable healthcare model for spinal care. The initiative aims to improve the management, prevention, and public health for spine-related disorders worldwide; thus, global representation was essential. A series of meetings established the initiative’s mission and goals. Electronic surveys collected contributorship and demographic information, and experiences with spinal conditions to better understand perceptions and potential biases that were contributing to the model of care. -- from The Global Spine Care Initiative: methodology, contributors, and disclosures 

The GSCI was led by Dr. Scott Haldeman. Many CDPR scientists and research associates were involved in the research, and CDPR’s Kristi Randhawa was the project manager. In 2018 the resulting articles were published in a special supplement (v. 27, supplement 6) of the European Spine Journal (subscription required).

CDPR contributions