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College of Chiropractors of British Columbia (CCBC)

Rapid Reviews to Advise the CCBC on Claims of Effectiveness of Interventions Used by Chiropractors

Dr. Pierre Côté and Dr. Carol Cancelliere were invited to submit a proposal to the College of Chiropractors of British Columbia (CCBC) to provide guidance on the evidentiary basis regarding interventions used by chiropractors for the management of non-musculoskeletal disorders.

What is a rapid review?

Rapid reviews are a form of knowledge synthesis that provide a high-quality synthesis of available evidence. They are created by streamlining traditional systematic review methodology in a timely and cost-effective manner. 


The research team begins by translating the CCBC's question into a research question. A rapid review protocol is then developed, following the evidence-based PRISMA statement, and submitted to the Open Science Framework Registry (OSF)a free, open platform to support your research and enable collaboration

The rapid reviews are performed and deliverables (within eight to twelve weeks) include evidence briefs that include the search strategies, evidence tables, evidence summaries and relevant appendixes. Evidence related to claims in question is synthesized, not critically appraised.

Team Members:
  • Pierre Côté - Project Lead
  • Carol Cancelliere - Project Lead
  • Silvano Mior - Scientist
  • Melissa Corso- Research Associate
  • Ngai Chow - Research Associate
  • Anne Taylor-Vaisey - Research Associate/Librarian
  • Poonam Cardoso - Research Administration Officer
View the published and in process CCBC rapid reviews.