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Postdoctoral Fellowship Projects

Dan (Demi) Wang, PhD

Dan Wang

Understanding health care utilization for musculoskeletal disorders and disability in Canada: A population-based perspective 
Project Objectives: Using data from two national surveys conducted by Statistics Canada: the Canadian Community Health Survey and Canadian Survey on Disability, this project aims to understand the utilization of chiropractors and other health providers for musculoskeletal pain and disability by: 
  1. Estimating the annual national, age-, sex-, province/territory-specific prevalence of utilization of chiropractic, medical, nursing, physiotherapy, and psychology services by Canadians for the management of musculoskeletal disorders and disability;
  2. Describing the sociodemographic, health, work and environmental characteristics of Canadians who consult chiropractors, medical doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychologists or other providers; and
  3. Determining the association between sociodemographic, health, work, and environmental characteristics and type of health care providers consulted.
External funding: Ontario Tech and CMCC


  • Pierre Côté, DC, PhD
  • Silvano Mior, DC, PhD, FCCS(C)
  • Sheilah Hogg-Johnson, MMATH, PhD
  • Jessica Wong, BSc, DC, MPH, FCCS(C)

Reporting of Outcomes in Randomized Controlled Trials of Rehabilitation Interventions: A RCTRaCk Initiative

Project Objectives: Participating as one of the Working Groups of the RCTRaCk project which has been developed by the Cochrane Rehabilitation team, this project aims to systematically identify, synthesize, and make recommendations for potential criteria attributes of outcome reporting in RCTs of rehabilitation interventions by:

  1. Reviewing the preliminary RCTRaCk papers to identify reporting and methodological issues related to outcomes in rehabilitation randomized controlled trials (RCTs);
  2. Surveying the Instructions to Authors of all major peer-reviewed rehabilitation journals to determine how journals require authors to report outcomes in rehabilitation RCTs;
  3. Reviewing all official and unofficial CONSORT extensions to determine how other specialty groups have addressed the reporting of outcomes specific to their fields;
  4. Conducting a focused scoping review of systematic reviews, clinical practice guidelines and methodological studies on RCTs of rehabilitation interventions to examine the nature and variations of criteria used to evaluate the quality of outcome reporting; and
  5. Producing a list of criteria items to be considered for reporting outcomes in RCTs of rehabilitation interventions.


  • Pierre Côté, DC, PhD
  • Stefano Negrini, MD
  • Anne Taylor-Vaisey, MLS
